My private contacts
Abdennaceur Karoui
3125 Kings Court
NC 27606
United States
Phone: 9192749411
Miscellaneous Information
Primary Field of Expertise:Physics
- Solid State Physics (e-h, excitons, photons, phonon, solid state processes, and dynamics of photogenerated careers)
- Device Physics, with focus on photovoltaic devices and biochemical sensors
- Physics of nanomaterials; i.e., quantum dots, and 2D quantum wells
- Transport in coherently coupled quantum systems
- Nanosensors operating at the quantum frontiers (a new field that I developed)
- Photon energy down-conversion and up-conversion.
Materials Science
- Defect Science, with focus on column-IV semiconductors and alloys
- Fabrication of functional materials (for microelectronic, sensor, and photovoltaics) and devices
- Multiscale modeling of micro- naon-scale and atomic defects in materials.
Secondary Field of Expertise:
- Photovoltaic system design and simulation
- Solar Energy Systems and Technologies.
Research Tools and Methods:
- Multiscale modeling of materials and devices using High Performance Computing
- Molecular Dynamics/DFT Machine Learning for optoelectronic and solar materials and nanomaterials
- Atomic and nanoprobe characterization and spectroscopic analysis of semiconductor nanomaterials
- MEMS and NEMS design, and nanofabrication
- Additive Manufacturing, 3D printing Materials, and CAD
- Laser Ablation for Subtractive Manufacturing.