Switching the Utilization of Hydrocarbons
from Polluting Energy Sources to Benin Super-Materials
Since the antiquity hydrocarbons have been extensively utilized to produce energy in efficient enough ways, starting with making fire, lighting habitats, and then as weapon. Because of the easiness of the technology and the abundance of hydrocarbons compared to the then small population, this practice has accelerated dramatically. With the industrial revolution energy started to be used to power vehicles, which increased the energy consumption exponentially; the trend has not relaxed since then.
The question “Why it has become urgent to move away from burning hydrocarbon materials and to adopt renewable energy (RE) technologies?” has not been debated thus far. Only, components of this fundamental question have been discussed in length, but separately, in national and international scientific and engineering venues at the thought, practical, and policies levels. No emphasis has ever been put on the true value of hydrocarbons. The understanding of these questions would elevate hydrocarbons to their exact values, like any other precious material, and would prevent dilapidating the remaining resources.