Goal: Study Oxygen Precipitation driven by Nitrogen Segregation and N-O Coupling in silicon.

We investigated O precipitation in very lightly N doped CZ silicon (NCZ), as a part of the global effort for introducing 300mm (and larger) silicon wafers in electronic device and integrated circuit production lines. To that end, the microelectronics industry identified the need for lowering O concentration in large Si wafers, and increasing wafer toughness by N doping (< 1014 cm-3). However, N changed the mechanisms of O precipitation in silicon. This was manifested by a drastic increase in precipitate concentration  in thermal processed wafers, while there was a positive reduction of the precipitate mean size.

Read more: 1.b.11. Mechanisms of Oxygen...

Goal: Analyze the mechanical properties of Ultra-Thin Polycrystalline Silicon to control Wafer Breakage and to increase Solar Cell Fabrication Yield. 

There has been a continuous appeal for reducing the thickness of crystalline silicon wafers in order to cut the cost of solar cells. However, this necessity is hindered by an increased wafer breakage during solar cell fabrication on ultra-thin wafers, especially for polycrystalline silicon, a material of great hope for photovoltaics.

Read more: 1.b.12. Mechanical...

We have analyzed mechanical properties of SiGe graded layers at the nanometer scale. Other layers caped with ultra-thin, 15nm thick, silicon films were also analyzed. The materials are either for microelectronics, Nano-opto-electronics, or for Third Generation Solar Cells.

Read more: 1.b.13. Time Dependent...

Goals: Develop a process and a tool for handling and processing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to effectively use them in advanced solar cell concept. Design the tool using finite element analysis of electrokenitic of microfluidic solution containing low concentration of CNTs. Fabricate the MEMS and test the process of disantanglement, aligning, and sorting CNTs.

Read more: 1.b.14 MEMS for Handling and...